Sunday, August 02, 2009

Another challenge - 26

So, for Challenge 26, we were to photograph something outside in the theme of blue with all photos interrelated somehow. (Click here)

Can you guess my theme?

I'm not much of a photographer. I've gleaned a bit from my sister, and I'd say I am a little artistic. But this is new for me. I haven't had much time for photos this week, so these were taken this afternoon after work. Light wasn't great, but I did my best.

Halfway through, I realized I had my camera set on 3MP instead of the usual 8. I'd been taking some web photos the night before. Doh. In addition, I had a lot of problems with the camera's autofocus. With close up shots, it tended to prefer to shoot the foreground. Even though my camera has a very nice 3" screen, it's hard to tell if it's blurred. In addition, this camera has no viewfinder.

I had a hard time deciding which of the last two I preferred, so both are posted. Yah, I know it was supposed to be 3.

And here's an alternate. I was originally going to take pictures of flags, but most flags were next to houses and I got strange looks.


chocolate hug said...

Scott, I LOVE the fly on the garbage!

Katie said...

The beer can one is my fav... the angle really captures the crushed aspects of the can, I personally like the reflection off the can.

I also like the flags, there is movement and great angles of the flags, great natural light too.

Jon Baas said...

I love these pic, Scott! Nice job with the theme this week! :)

Ali S said...

These are great! I would have never thought to take pictures of garbage. My favorite is the Miller can because of the reflections and the fly on the bag is pretty cool too. good job!

emily ebeling said...

scott, I love that you photographed garbage- awesome!
great take on the challenge :)
I also really enjoy the beer can- it's reflections are beautiful, and the fact that it is slightly crushed adds some cool, interesting angles.
I laughed at the one with the fly- the fact that he's in the shot really adds to the "story" of the garbage~


Unknown said...

My favorite is the flags. I love the lighting and how you can feel them "moving". Great shot!

Erica said...

How did you manage to photograph garbage in a way that makes me happy? My favorite is the fly conquering the blue plastic.