Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Challenge 28 - Big and Small

Well, I was too busy to get this up till tonight. And I sort of missed the boat on putting mine up. But here it is anyway. The challenge is found here.

Take one photo, b/w or color with no editing on the theme of big and small.

Here's mine.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Catchup - Photo Challenge 1

Waaay back in January, my sister and some friends started a photo challenge blog. I have followed it off and on for 6 months. Now that I've joined, I figured I'd try to do some of the ones from back then. I'll do the ones that appeal to me.

So, here's the first: (Click here)

A series of three self portraits.
1.) One in color
2.) One in black and white
3.) One without you in it

And my efforts:

Another challenge - 26

So, for Challenge 26, we were to photograph something outside in the theme of blue with all photos interrelated somehow. (Click here)

Can you guess my theme?

I'm not much of a photographer. I've gleaned a bit from my sister, and I'd say I am a little artistic. But this is new for me. I haven't had much time for photos this week, so these were taken this afternoon after work. Light wasn't great, but I did my best.

Halfway through, I realized I had my camera set on 3MP instead of the usual 8. I'd been taking some web photos the night before. Doh. In addition, I had a lot of problems with the camera's autofocus. With close up shots, it tended to prefer to shoot the foreground. Even though my camera has a very nice 3" screen, it's hard to tell if it's blurred. In addition, this camera has no viewfinder.

I had a hard time deciding which of the last two I preferred, so both are posted. Yah, I know it was supposed to be 3.

And here's an alternate. I was originally going to take pictures of flags, but most flags were next to houses and I got strange looks.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Photo Challenge 25

Well, I just got myself a 300 dollar camera at work for 60 on clearance. It's a nice camera too, a Cybershot H10. As part of the celebration of me getting a new camera, I thought I'd actually use it and see if I could do some decent photos.

Diana (my sister) and a couple of her friends put together a weekly photo challenge (Found here). So, here are my submissions for this week.

The goal was to "advertise a product" with 3 photos. I asked my roommate to be my subject. I told him it was an art project, which made him more than willing to offer his acting skills. I actually typed a story on the typewriter to complete the setting. Poor Edward Walker found his day ruined by the police when they found someone dead on the hood of his '57 Chevy with his business card clutched in her hand.

I took a bunch of photos as I figured out how to change the aperture settings. This is all new to me. Out of twenty, ten were too dark. The 2nd ten were not bad and out of those I came up with 3 good ones.

The product being advertised is the typewriter. The shots are in black and white because it's a classic manual typewriter. The aim was to evoke the image of a classic writer. I wanted to use natural light, so it limited the angles I could use. I think #1 is the weakest, with #2 the strongest of those below.

And here are a few alternates.

I don't like the second to last one because of the hand position. The others are more realistic. It's also too dark. The last one was done with a flash rather than natural light. You can really tell the difference.