Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Challenge 28 - Big and Small

Well, I was too busy to get this up till tonight. And I sort of missed the boat on putting mine up. But here it is anyway. The challenge is found here.

Take one photo, b/w or color with no editing on the theme of big and small.

Here's mine.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Catchup - Photo Challenge 1

Waaay back in January, my sister and some friends started a photo challenge blog. I have followed it off and on for 6 months. Now that I've joined, I figured I'd try to do some of the ones from back then. I'll do the ones that appeal to me.

So, here's the first: (Click here)

A series of three self portraits.
1.) One in color
2.) One in black and white
3.) One without you in it

And my efforts:

Another challenge - 26

So, for Challenge 26, we were to photograph something outside in the theme of blue with all photos interrelated somehow. (Click here)

Can you guess my theme?

I'm not much of a photographer. I've gleaned a bit from my sister, and I'd say I am a little artistic. But this is new for me. I haven't had much time for photos this week, so these were taken this afternoon after work. Light wasn't great, but I did my best.

Halfway through, I realized I had my camera set on 3MP instead of the usual 8. I'd been taking some web photos the night before. Doh. In addition, I had a lot of problems with the camera's autofocus. With close up shots, it tended to prefer to shoot the foreground. Even though my camera has a very nice 3" screen, it's hard to tell if it's blurred. In addition, this camera has no viewfinder.

I had a hard time deciding which of the last two I preferred, so both are posted. Yah, I know it was supposed to be 3.

And here's an alternate. I was originally going to take pictures of flags, but most flags were next to houses and I got strange looks.