Monday, November 01, 2004

Election tomorrow - The stakes

Tomorrow is election day.

To say I'm nervous about it is an understatement. I have a deep and horrible fear that George Bush is going to lose the election and we'll get John Kerry.

The War in Iraq is not really the big issue for me, it's the judges.

It's a duel between a candidate who says, "Judges should interpret law based on what the law says." and one who says, "Judges should interpret law based on what they feel or what their social clique believes is right."

It's more than just that activist judges have done things like made abortion and gay marriage legal, it's that they've done so by unilaterally making those decisions based not on what the law SAYS, but on their own moral agendas. Abortion and gay marriage should have been left to the states or the populace through elected officials to decide, not a unilateral on high decision by officials who are neither elected nor able to be fired for their excesses.

The liberal left has realized that what they cannot force through through an elected body like Congress or state assemblies, they can force through by going over the heads of the people and ultimately the constitution by making judicial decrees that have no basis on any semblance of the documents judges are supposed to be using to make rulings.

John Kerry threatens to destroy the fabric of what the founding fathers created in the USA by undermining the constitution with people who say they respect it, but make rulings that go against it at every turn.It is this that I see as the most important issue int his election. With 3 or 4 supreme court justices on the line, the real danger is that we could get a Court that doesn't even look at the constitution any more in it's rulings.

Forget morality, forget opinion. Rule on what our Constitution SAYS, not what they think it should say. If that venerated document is really that far off, let the people call their congressmen and let the ELECTED change it, not some unelected judge. That's not their job or calling.

Do, I'm really nervous. Will the USA choose to hold back the tide of the erosion of our foundation stones, or will they say to hell with it and let it all go to waste?

I sure hope it's the former, because the later gives me the willies.

I've been praying a lot lately, not for Bush to win, but for the population of this country to make a choice that will ultimately make the choice that will preserve at least a little of what the founding fathers fought for.

Now if we could get the Patriot Act revised a little...

On another tact, I watch Europe's utter animosity towards Bush and keep thinking he MUST be doing something right. It reminds me of the playground. All the kids out there, a lot of them doing weed and smoking, and the one lone kid taking a stand against it all. He ends up hated for it, but it doesn't make what he's doing any less right.

The United States should never put its national security in the hands of an outside body. We can argue about right decisions, but I'd much rather have a president who will preserve our sovereignty than tell us we have to "Pass a global test" before we defend ourselves.

This is most certainally true

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