Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Vietnam = Iraq? The Kerry connection

Iraq equals Vietnam? We've reached that 1000 killed mark and the specter of Vietnam lurks over the horizon. Nevermind that Vietnam's bodycount was far far higher, and Iraq is far more pacified than North Vietnam ever was. Still, it's a spectre lurking nearby, and with Vietnam on the lips of Voters because Democratic Candidate John Kerry was a hero in that war.

The media likes to draw the parallel of Iraq to Vietnam. What they don't understand, or utterly ignore is that John Kerry (with the help of the press) is doing to Iraq what he did to Vietnam... turning a war that could be won into one that will be lost.

It is not the men on the ground that will lose that war for us, but the lies and misrepresentations of a man who has spent the last 30 years building a career on lies and misrepresentations. He lied about the actions on men on the ground of Vietnam. He tried to tell the American people that a victorious North Vietnam wouldn't result in massive reprisal killings. He was wrong on both counts.

That he still, in 2004, repeats his lies of the Vietnam days and twists them to fit this current struggle says a great deal of his character and political focus. Do we have any reason to believe he will act any differently to this war as president than he did to the Vietnam War, or this war as a presidential candidate?

If John Kerry is elected president, the people of Iraq need to fear for their future. The people of the United States do too.

Iraq, whether you agree with the original reasons for invading and ousting Saddam or not, is truly the new front in the war on terrorism. Al Queda, other terror organizations understand this better than any others. Their terror tactics in Iraq only punctuate this point. If a free and stable Iraq fails to congeal, there will be civil war, death on a massive scale and a whole generation of iraqies who will blame America, ripe for the picking as terrorists.

I'd like to believe that John Kerry understands this... or even cares, but his words say far different. "Set a date!" was his cry during Vietnam. Set a date we did, and sure enough, the North Vietnamese overan the south as soon as we left, and then killed millions in retrebution, and imprisoned countless others. He was irresponsible, or, he didn't care. It almost seems the later, because in 30 years, he has never apologized.

His cry for setting a date for American withdrawel remains the same now. He has even promised to set that date as president.

His date will create Vietnam in Iraq with utter certainty. The foes of freedom with take advantage of it, America will leave and it will create genocide, civil war and agony. It will make the United States even more open to attack than ever. A victory for John Kerry on November 2, 2004 will likely represent a major blow for America in the War on Terrorism.

I pray I'm wrong, but a man's actions speak louder than his words, and Kerry's actions have been shouts.

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